Thank you to everyone who helped make the official opening of the Sunshine Garden a fantastic event. Thank you to those who came early to help set up tables and chairs, hauling them one by one up the stairs. Thank you to those that brought flowers from your yards, and then arranged them into stunningly beautiful bouquets! Thank you to those that spoke during the program - you all did such a wonderful job. Thank you to those who led the information stations and provided people with interesting ideas to take back into their own lives and gardens. Thank you to those who organized and volunteered at the kid’s activities, it was a real highlight for families! Thank you to those who brought food to share - we had enough treats and goodies to feed everyone. Thank you to those who helped organize the event, from sending invites and confirmations, to organizing the dignitaries, to coordinating the children who sang music, played music and read poetry. Thank you to those who stayed to clean up, including wiping down all the chairs afterwards, hauling them all back downstairs, taking down the gazebos, doing the dishes, loading everything up and making everything neat and tidy as it was before.
It was so special to share this garden with our neighbours and contributors, to celebrate what we have done here, and to see the impact we are having on our community, in such a welcoming, wonderful way.
Thank you all.
It was so special to share this garden with our neighbours and contributors, to celebrate what we have done here, and to see the impact we are having on our community, in such a welcoming, wonderful way.
Thank you all.